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Sermon - August 11, 2024


Rev. David Ryan

Well church – we are closing in

On having spending time in each book of the Bible!

Today, we are in Zephaniah, which contains

One of my favorite Old Testament verses –

But we will get to that in a moment.


The very first verse of the prophecy of Zephaniah

Sets it apart from most of the other prophets.

Most of the time, as we have been studying the prophets

I’ve had to say to you –

We don’t know a lot about such and such a prophet –


That’s not the case with Zephaniah.

We know who he is, where he came from, and when he was preaching.

Zephaniah was of royal Lineage –

He was four generations removed from the good and godly king Hezekiah.

That would make him what – his great great great great grandson.


His name means “Yahweh Hides” or “Yahweh Has Hidden”

Most likely he was born during the long and wicked reign of Manasseh

Who reigned for 55 years.

It was a dangerous time to be godly and in line for the throne- however remotely.

Perhaps he was literally hidden for his own protection.


But he began his ministry during the days of Josiah –

Another good and godly king

During his reign, there was a great revival

Josiah began to reign when he was very young –

So it took about 10 years until the period of revival really began.

We believe that God used the prophet Zephaniah to help bring that revival about.


Now, I have told you a number of times that one of the divisions

Of the Old Testament are the Major and Minor Prophets.

How many Major? 5

How many Minor? 12

In the Old Testament, it’s always 5 or 12.


Now the minor prophets are divided into two groups

Those who were before the exile and those who came after.

The first nine are pre-exile.- that is before the Babylonians Conquered and exiled the people

Of Judah – And, that last three ( which would be Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi were written during and after the return of Israel to the promised land.’


 Zephaniah is the last of the pre-exilic prophets,

and can be said to “sum up” the messages of the previous 8.

A lot of the ideas shared in the others

Are also shared by Zephaniah.

He announces a series of judgments –

Against idolaters

Against royalty ( remember, he was a royal himself)

Against merchants

Against those who have become complacent.


He also warns other nations of the coming judgment –

The Moabites and Ammonites


And Assyria.


He gives special warning to Jerusalem

He, like the other prophets before him –

Was saying – Repent!

Change your ways while there is still time!


But unfortunately, as a whole, the nation

Did not listen.

They did not repent

They did not change their ways.

And so they had to endure God’s punishment.

The Babylonians would be used of God

To chastise his people.


But after all the warnings

After all the condemnations

There is a word of Hope.

God says after the exile,

(remember this is the last of the pre-exile prophets)

God will leave in the city

The meek and the humble (this is in 3:14)

He will leave in the city

Those who truly trust in the name of the Lord.


This is cause for rejoicing.

In 3:14 Zephaniah writes –

Sing – o Daughter of Zion;

Shout aloud, O Israel!

Be glad and rejoice with all your heart.


For God has taken away your punishment.

Never again will you need to fear harm.

Oh how we need to hear those words today.

“Do Not Fear”

You know I read that that phrase or its equivalent

Appears 365 times in the Bible!

One time for every day of the year.


It must be a word we need to hear.

And it is, isn’t it?

There is so much that seems to threaten us.

There are so many things that can overwhelm us.

We fear the results of a medical test.

We always seem to anticipate the worst.

We might fear the economics of our time.

Grocery bills keep getting higher and higher.

Used to be an average of $10 a bag, now its $20 – sometimes even more.

Utility bills, rents, taxes – all those things keep going up.

And we can have the fear of making ends meet.


We can be afraid and insecure of our relationships

We see families breaking apart all around us

And we might worry – is that going to happen in my family?

We worry about our children


What’s going to become of them with the world

Seeming to go the way it's going.


Sometimes we just have this vague fear of the future.

I’ll never forget I was teaching a Sunday School class.

It was getting near the end of the year –

And we were all sharing our hopes and dreams

For the year ahead –

But one woman spoke up and said –

‘I’m sorry” –

“I can’t share your enthusiasm.

When I think of the year ahead

I just feel anxiety.

I worry.

What bad thing is going to happen next”

And she was not a generally negative person.

I was surprised by her comment.


Do not fear

God says.

We might want to respond to God –


Why should we not be afraid?


Then in verse 17 there is a great promise.

And it is true, that this promise was first given

To those who either remained or would return to Isreal

After the exile –

But as I read it, there is nothing that

Keeps it from being applied to us.


The word that goes out from Zephaniah –

After all the warnings

After all the punishments

After all that will happen to them.

There are some profound words.

Words that we can count on to be true.


It's in these words that we can have hope.

It is these words that dispel fear.

To me, verse 17 is one of the best verses.

In the Old Testament.


There are five parts of it.

1.      The Lord your God is with you.

Wow, I love that simple statement.

Just seven words.

Wow – seven words – imagine that –

The perfect number in scripture.

7 is meant to convey completeness.

And those seven words are so good for us to know.

The Lord your God is with you.

You are never alone!

No matter what difficulty you may have to face

No matter what danger you are in

No matter what – you are not alone!

God is with you.


And knowing that makes all the difference.

You don’t have to rely on your own wisdom

On your own power

On your own merit.

Your own courage even!

You have God with you!

You do not have to be afraid.


My mom once told me that the loneliest time

For someone is in the hospital.

After your loved ones have let go of your hand

And kissed you

And you are taken off on the gurney

To the operating room.

Ever been there?

I have.

And at first, I thought I agreed with my mom.

But then I remembered

I am not alone.

Yes, my wife no longer holds my hand.


But God does.

God is with me.

The Lord is my shepherd.

I shall not want!

He makes me lie down in green pastures –

He does not tell me to go to green pastures –

He is right there with me.

He leads me (that means he is with me!)

Beside still waters.

He restores my soul

He guides me in paths of righteousness (again, he does not

just tell me where the path is – he is guiding me – right here, right now)

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death –

I will fear no evil

For you, God, are with me!

Your rod and your staff they comfort me.

YOU prepare a table before me

In the presence of my enemies….

He does not just give us directions to the restaurant!

He is there, preparing the table before me.

You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows –

Again – its God doing the anointing!

The 23 Psalm is always a comfort –

I think because it talks so much

About God being WITH us.


By the way …if you have not been to the Psalm 23 Prayer Garden

Just outside of New Holland on Shirk Road –

I highly recommend it to you.

It’s a beautiful place –

With places that depict each phrase of Psalm 23.

You could walk through it in not much time –

Or better yet, take the time to linger

As God leads.

The Lord your God is with you.


2. He is mighty to save.

Not only is God with us – he is mighty!

He is all powerful!

There is no illness that he can not cure.

There is no harm that can overcome us

There is no fear that need paralyze us.

God is mighty!

Our Uke group sings a song –

God is Bigger than all my problems!

Greater than all my fears!



God is mighty to save – and he will do just that

Save us.

We are not always spared the suffering

But God gets us through it.

I know that.

I have experienced that.

I put my full truest in that.


God is with you.

God is mighty.


And I love this next part –

3. God will take great delight in you.

Oh precious child of God –

Do you know that?

Do you know that your are his precious child.

Do you know that God takes delight in you?

Imagine that!

It's true!

God takes delight in you!


When God thinks of you, He smiles.

He is so glad that you are you.

He made you –

And he delights in how he has made you.


Each of us is different.

We are all unique –

But somehow, every single one of us

Are God’s favorite!


We think – oh no – there can only be one favorite

A dear friend of mine gave me a t-shirt –

“God loves all his children – but I’m his favorite!”

I saw a video online the other day–

A teacher wanted to show her students

Who was her favorite.

One by one she called them to her desk.

She had a decorated box with a lid.

They were told to lift the lid

And look inside to see who her favorite was.


There was a mirror in the bottom of the box.

Each child , when the looked, saw their own reflection.

They walked away from the teachers desk smiling.

God invites us to look into the box of his word.

He takes great delight in each of us.


Sometimes I look at my life and say

God, I don’t know why you take delight in me.

I’ve messed up time and time again.

I am not worthy of your love, let alone your delight.


But when I am feeling that way,

God just takes me in his arms,

If I will allow it –

And says

Child of mine – I love you.

You are mine and I am yours.

It's true, you are not perfect,

But I love you with a perfect love.


Speaking of that –

4. God quiets us with his love.

Oh…think of a crying baby.

And how a parent, a mother, a father –

Can quiet them with their love.

Same way with God.

We get all frantic

We get all worked up

We worry

We fret

We get anxious

My my my.


 But then God takes us in his arms

He quiets us with this love.

He says…shhhhh…

Be still

Be still and know that I am God

Trust me.

Trust me

Trust me.


My mom’s birthday was this week.

I found this block in Hobby Lobby.

It said.

“Give it to God” in big bold letters –

And then in smaller cursive script it said

“and go to sleep”

“Give it to God and go to sleep”

When you can’t sleep.

When you are up at night with all those thoughts

Running through your head.


Give it to God.

Trust him

And go to sleep.

Let him quiet you with his love.


And then finally -

5.  God will rejoice over you with singing.

Wow – can you imagine what it would sound like

To hear God sing?

Won’t that be a great moment in heaven

When we are with God face to face –

And we get to hear him sing!

I can’t even imagine it –

But it will be amazing.

But even now God is rejoicing over you with singing.

Because he can see what we can not see.

He knows what we do not yet know


He loves us not only for who we were, and for who we are

But for who we will be.

He’s still working on me.

He’s still working on you.

God does amazing things.

When you are finished – God will welcome us into heaven

And say as he did at the end of each day of creation –

“You are good”.


People of God –

Do not fear.

The Lord your God is with you.

He is mighty to save.

He will take great delight in you.

He will quiet you with his love

And he will rejoice over you with singing.




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