At Mount Zion Church, our worship is filled with praise and prayer. Through worship we deepen our understanding of God, care for one another, and serve our neighbors. We spend time lifting each other up in prayer and sharing the joys and concerns of the community and the world. The music is a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs. Your worship experience at Mount Zion can be as communal or intimate as you desire and encourage you to go into your community and serve.
Sundays 11:15 a.m.

First Sundays
On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion. You do not need to be a member of this church or any church to receive. This is the Lord's table, open to all.
UMC Special Sundays

Thursday Communion
Communion is offered on Thursdays at 12 noon at our sister church, Leola UMC. The service consists of scripture readings, singing a hymn, a time of prayer, a brief meditation on one of the scriptures, and sharing in communion together. Invite your friends and neighbors to join you in attending this brief service.
Throughout the year, the United Methodist Church recognizes its ministry across the world with these special days:
Church Seasons
As part of the Christian tradition, we participate in the seasons of Advent and Lent that lead to Christmas and Easter and other observances throughout the church year.
Lent and
Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday, is a time of self-examination and reflection on Jesus Christ—to consider His suffering and sacrifice—His life, death, and burial. Easter Sunday celebrates Jesus' resurrection, symbolizing new life.
All Saints
All Saints Sunday is a time when, as a church family, we pause to commemorate the lives of all saints, in particular those who have passed in the previous year.
This special service gives us the opportunity to stop and give thanks for all that God has provided before we move into the busy season of Advent.
Advent and
Advent marks the start of the new church year. It is a time of joy and expectation as we prepare for the celebration of the birth of the Messiah. The sanctuary will be beautifully decorated on Christmas Eve when we celebrate a candlelight service.