Rev. David Ryan
One of the things I have loved about this project of preaching
A sermon from each book of the Bible
Is that it has brought me to some books that appear rarely in the lectionary.
And not often in my own choices of scriptures to preach from.
I am pretty sure I have never preached out of the Old Testament book of Nahum.
But that is where we are today.
We don’t know anything about Nahum other than this book.
We don’t even know where Elkoshite was – although some think it might
Have been in the region of Gallie – perhaps where Capernaum was in Jesus time.
The book begins, in chapter 1 v 1 identifying this as
“An oracle” concerning Nineveh.
The NIV uses the word “oracle”
But one of the commentaries that I was doing some.
Research in suggested that a better word might be “burden”.
This was the Burden that Nahum had for Nineveh.
It was a heavy message – dealing with heavy issues.
Nineveh should sound familiar to you –
It was to Nineveh that the prophet Jonah was sent.
You may remember that Ninevah, much to Jonah’s dismay
Repented due to Jonah’s warnings.
The thing I did not realize till I was researching it,
Was that Jonah and Ninevah’s repentance happened
About 100 years before this prophecy from Nahum
That puts things into a different perspective, doesn’t it.
It was like saying – there was a great revival back in 1924.
To give us more perspective – do you know what the most popular car
Was in 1924? Ford Model T!
Calvin Coolidge was president
J Edgar Hoover took over the FBI
It was a few years before the great depression – which started in 1929.
Feels like a long time ago – we consider it history.
It was a long time ago for Nineveh too.
They may have repented under Jonah,
But as a Nation at least, they had fallen away from God.
Nahum starts sharing his burden for Ninevah
By talking about the character, the nature, of God.
And there is benefit to us
For paying close attention here –
Because God does not change!
He is the same today as He was yesterday
As He will be tomorrow.
And its good to be reminded of His Nature.
There are at least six aspects of God’s Character
Nahum shared with us in these first 7 verses of Chapter 1.
I’ve provided you with a handout for notes today –
We remember things more when we write them down.
Maybe you want to slip this paper into your bible at the beginning
Of Nahum.
I’d much rather your family discover, upon your death,
A bible full of notes
Than a bible full of dust!
#1. God is jealous.
Oh – I know perhaps that sounds strange.
We often think of jealousy as a negative trait –
And it’s true, it can be – but not always.
One commentator wrote :
“God’s jealousy is love in action. He refuses to share the human heart with any rival, not because He is selfish and wants us all for Himself, but because He knows that upon that loyalty to Him depends our very moral life… God is not jealous of us: He is jealous for us.
There are numerous places in scripture that God is described
As Jealous – including in the ten commandments,
When we are told not to make any idols –
Fact is God demands first place in our lives.
Because he knows that that is what is best for us.
When we first come into relationship with God
There may be other things that take priority-
But as we grow in faith –
Those other things are slowly stripped away.
Until there is only God.
I try to pray often – asking God to have first place in my life.
Confessing when other things – even myself – have gotten in the way.
God I give you first place.
You are more important to me than anything else.
I commit myself to following in your way, and only your way.
#2. God is avenging.
Let us never think that evil will get away with anything.
From time to time it may seem that evil is prevailing –
But if that is so, it is only for a time.
It may take a while
But evil will always lose to God.
Nahum says : The Lord takes vengeance
Ans is filled with wrath. The Lord takes vengeance on his foes
And maintains his wrath against his enemies.
You know sometimes we think so much on the beauty of God
The loveliness of God
The kindness, the goodness of God –
That if we are not careful we can almost believe in a wimpy God.
But folks our God is anything but wimpy!
He should be feared!
With one stroke of his hand, he could wipe out all evil
Some days it may seem like the devil and the demons
Are ruling this world –
But there will come a day when they will be cast into the pit
And it will be a terrible day for them.
The way of God will win.
What a day of rejoicing that will be.
Imagine the cheers in heaven when that day comes!
That’s bad news for the enemies of God
But there is good news for us!
#3. God is slow to anger.
Oh – are you as thankful for this as I am?
There has been plenty in my life
To anger God.
There have been times when I did things I should not have done
There have been times when I did not do things I should have done.
There have been times when I have been faithful, yes
But there have been plenty of times when I have let God down.
There are times I went my own way
There are times when I doubted God
There were times when I did not even think about God.
But God has been patient with me.
He knows me through and through
He has not treated me as my sin deserved
But has shown such mercy to me.
Yes, God does get angry –
But he is slow to anger.
He is patient.
He knows us
He loves us
He knows we mess up, but he loves us still –
And offers a way for us to be made right.
There is grace.
God is slow to anger.
#4 God is great in power!
Oh friends, let’s not forget this!
There is never a problem that God can not solve!
There is never a pit so deep that God can not reach in
And pull us out.
There is no disease that baffles him
There is no hurt that he can not heal
There is no situation that God can not redeem.
We belong to a powerful God
A mighty God
An omnipotent God!
Nahum’s prophecy celebrates this –
He says – his way is in the whirlwind –
And in the storm
Clouds are the dust of his feet
He can rebuke the sea and dry it up.
Even the mountains quake before him –
Hills melt away
The earth trembles at his presence.
Oh the power of God!
Do you believe that?
I do!
But if I believe that….and again, I do -
Then why do I get worried sometimes?
I believe that God’s got me –
But then I fret ...why?
As a friend of mine would say –
“Because your just dumb!”
Friends tell it like it is, don’t they.
I pray the prayer of the father in
Mark 9 –
“Lord I believe – help my unbelief!”
I m might also pray – Lord - keep me from being dumb!
Help me remember your power.
I am very thankful for #5 –
God is good.
We have that saying – right –
God is good! All the time!
All the time, God is good!
This balances out all that power God has
All that jealousy
All that Avenging.
God is good.
Its His very nature.
We need doubt that.
He will always have our good in mind.
He will always do what is good for us –
Even if it might not seem that in the moment.
He will not harm us.
He is good.
#6 – God is our refuge.
A refuge is a place of shelter.
A place of safety.
A place where we can hide.
I love that old chorus –
You are my hiding place.
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of the Lord
Friend, when ever you need a hiding place
Whenever you are afraid
Whenever it feels like you are being attacked –
Know that you can run to the Lord.
He will shelter you.
He will keep you safe
He will, as the old hymn, Precious name says
He will
“Joy and comfort give you”
He is our refuge.
We are never alone.
And the last one for this passage –
#7 God cares for those who trust in him.
God cares about you friend
Know that.
Trust in that.
He knows whatever it is you are going through.
He knows
He understands
And most of all he cares.
God has compassion for us.
He knows what we need and will provide it.
If you are fearful, God will give you peace –
A peace that passes all understanding.
If you are hurting, God will give you healing.
If you are worried, God will calm you.
If you are sad, God will first of all weep with you –
And then he will wipe away the tears
And give you joy.
If you grieving, God will give you comfort
If you are doubting, God will give you faith
If you are struggling – feeling like there is no way out –
God will provide a way.
OH – can the church say Amen?
God is good!
All the time!
All the time!
God is Good!
Let’s review –
God is jealous.
God is avenging
God is slow to anger.
God is great in power.
God is good.
God is our refuge.
God cares for those who trust in him.
So, friends, let us trust Him
Let us put our lives in God’s hands – and keep them there.
And all will be well.