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Sermon - September 15, 2024

Apostles' Creed Series - I Believe

Rev. David Ryan


It's a story I've always been captivated by.

I probably first heard it on Sunday school

there was probably a  flannel graph of it -

anyone here remember flannel graphs?


They were these paper figures that had some flannel strips

on the back and you put them up on board,

covered with flannel – so it would stick to it.

I loved flannel graph stories.


This one was of the story of Moses and the burning bush.

there was probably an image of a shepherd -

probably brown beard, stripped tunic -

bare feet – with his sandals off to the side -

and another figure of a burning bush -

and we would have been told that even though.

there were flames on the bush.

the bush did not burn to the ground.

He was barefoot, because a voice had come.

seemingly from that burning bush

that said to Moses -

take off your shoes.

because you are on holy ground.


This was Moses first encounter with the holy one -

with God -

God had surely been with him before this -

when as a baby his mother had placed him

in that basket made of reeds -

and floated him in the Nile River

so that he would not be killed by the Egyptians

who were afraid that the Hebrews who lived among?

them were getting to prosperous.


God was surely with him.

when he was taken from those waters

by the princess – and raised in the home of the great pharaoh.

God was surely with him when.

he defended a Hebrew man who.

was being beaten by an Egyptian -

and God was with him.

when he escaped out into the wilderness

because he had killed that Egyptia

And God was with him now –

only it had gotten personal.

God had gotten his attention.

God had used where he was , when he was.

to call to him.


When he asked – who shall I say has sent me.

the voice says -

I am who I am.

He was being itself.

he was the origin of all things.

the source of all things

the ONE.

All other so – called gods were not god's at all.

but lies of the great enemy.


Moses was on holy ground.

and something was happening to him.

Just as something happens to us.

when it is no longer God that we have just heard about -

and it becomes about a God.

we are hearing from.

When God gets our attention

when God calls to us

and our hearts are moved.


And sometimes when that happens.

it’s hard to find the words to describe it

Yet it’s important to us to find words.

to not only capture the moment -

to create the clear memory

but also, to recall it

to remind ourselves what has happened -

to remind ourselves just who it is we have come to believe in

to make a confession of our faith.

That's what a Creed is all about.

The Latin word is Credo.

It's the first word in what we call.

The Apostles’ Creed.


It means - “I believe”.

The Apostles’ Creed is an ancient document.

In fact, we don't really know where it came from!

There is a tradition that says that.

each of the 12 Apostles contributed one of the

phrases of the creed -

I have an idea that is more legend that actuality -

Somehow, though, along the way

the church tried to summarize its belief -

to put into words what was felt.

to be the essentials of scripture.


This was an early creed  - that much is certain -

There is a letter from the 300's that mentions it -

so, it was together – at least in some form

before that time.


It does not cover some things.

that creeds assert -

it does not deal, for instance, with the divinity of Christ.

like the Nicene Creed does -

most likely because the divinity of Christ was assumed.

and it was not felt necessary to affirm it – it just was.

In our resource book for this series -

there are published in the back.

a number of creeds  so that you can compare them.


For me, The Apostles’ Creed has been very

formative in my faith.

I learned it as a child in Sunday school

at Siloam United Methodist Church

in Booth's Corner, in Delaware County PA.

I think we had to be able to recite it

as part of our Confirmation


We recite together here every Sunday Morning

Yet, as is sometimes the case with things

we recite often

we can be guilty of just saying the words

and not really thinking about what they mean -

and so I thought it would be helpful

for us to spend today and five weeks following -

to examine each part of the creed

to make sure we know what we are saying!

And that our faith might be encouraged

by our meditation upon these ancient words.

While they are words of the church

they are words based on the Word of God.

And so where does the Apostles’ creed begin?

It begins with the most basic of beliefs...


I believe in God – the Father almighty -

Creator of Heaven and Earth.


Of course there are plenty of folks

who would not affirm that -

my heart breaks for them -

and I pray for them daily.

How sad.

And there are all kinds of reasons.

Some have felt that they called out for God

and for whatever reason

they were not helped as they wanted to be helped

they felt ignored

they felt even an anger at God

and said -OK. That's it

I am done -

I will not believe.

Others have taken what they believe

was a scientific approach.

And they have said that they cannot

intellectually affirm the existence  God.


Yet there have been many scientists

who have examined the facts of the  word

and concluded that there must be a creator

behind it all

That science and faith are not in conflict.

The Psalmist – while probably not a scientist

looked at nature

looked at creation -

and could not help but be lost in wonder.

Psalm 8 says -

When I look up at your skies

at what your fingers made

the moon and the starts

that you set firmly in place

what hare human beings

that you think about the -

what are human beings that you pay attention to them


We look at creation

and we think – what are the odds

that everything could come together as it has?

John Lennon is a mathematician from Oxford University

he figured that the odds for self-organization

of life on this planet earth

would be like 1 to 10 to the 40,000 power –

I don’t even know what that means!

But it’s not good odds!


I can more relate to what Adam Hamilton says on the subject

What would it take for cocoa, eggs, flour, sugar and oil

to assemble themselves spontaneously into

a three layered chocolate cake?

Wouldn't happen  right?

Not on it’s own.

A cake takes a baker.  Creation takes a creator.

In the Book of Romans 1:20 – Paul affirms this.

For since the creation of the world, Gods invisible qualities -

his eternal power and divine nature

have been Leary seen -

being understood from what has been made...


All we have to do is look around us

and I at least  can affirm -

this all just didn't happen by accident.

There is a creator.

I believe in God – creator of heaven and earth.

But the creed affirms more than just God the creator

the creed also says – before creator even -

I believe in God -

The Father Almighty.


To affirm that God is Father -

is to affirm that we are in relationship with God

Relationship as Children to their Father.

I hope that you had a good experience with your earthly father.

I know that that is not always the case -

and that sometimes affirming God as Father

is a tough obstacle for some.

If it is difficult for you -

think of the Father , perhaps, that you wish you had -

or concentrate on another image of God -

But for those who had at least an OK relationship

with your father -

realize that God is the perfect Father -

We affirm that we believe in God -

the Father Almighty

in the creed, we affirm that there is nothing

Our God cannot do!

He is our provider.

What does that mean?

It means we need not worry about what we have.

Not long ago we talked about not worrying

from Jesus' Command in the Sermon on the Mount

Remember that Jesus said His Father Clothed

the Lillie of the field – how much better

will he clothe us.

We have what we need in him.

Yes – we have to be wise

Yes, as he enables us, we must work

yes, we must live within our means

and be good stewards of what he as given -

not wasteful -


But he promises to care for us – in one way or another.

God is our protector

We need have no fear

We need not be anxious about anything.

He will always carry us through

Even when disasters come

Even when the flood waters come -

that we talked about last week -

but the literal floods – and the hardships of life.

God will see us through -


A pastor friend of mine

That I had traveled to Congo with

Had a son, Eli, who lost his life.

When I first heard the news,

I hurt for them

I cannot imagine their grief, their dismay , their hurt.

And I am sure they questioned God -

where was his protection for their son

Yet they are also people of great faith

Her husband is also a pastor.

I know that in the midst of that tragedy

They believed that God is with them

They know – even if they can't feel it yet

that God's loving arms are around them

God's protection, God's provision, God's love

does not always mean that we are spared

the hard stuff.

But it does mean he is with us.


When we affirm that we believe in God,

We affirm that we are not alone.

That greater is He that is in us

than he that is in the world.

We do not face the cruelties of this world

on our own

God holds us in the Palm of His hand.

We need not be afraid.

And we can know joy despite

our circumstances


To believe in God is to believe in God's love.

His Fatherly love

His perfect love

Perfect love the drives out all fear.

That's from 1 John -

We can , as beloved Children of God

live our lives with a peace that passes all understanding.

There is much of God we do not yet know

or understand.

Paul said in one of his letters to the Corinthians -

For now we see in a mirror dimly

one day we will see God face to face.

We do not understand everything

But we can , by Grace, understand enough.

We can know that He is our creator

We can know that He is the Almighty Father

We can know that we loved

We can know that he has provided a way

for us to be redeemed -

and be in his presence always -

now and for all eternity.

We believe.

And so we live in Him -

and know that all will be well.


When peace like a river attendeth my way

When sorrows like sea billows roll

Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say -

it is well -it is well – with my soul.

I know whom I have believed.

and am persuaded that he is able.

to keep that which I have committed.

unto Him against that day.


Maybe we should take off our shoes.

For we too are standing on holy ground.

Will you say with me?

just that first phrase of the Apostles’ Creed.

I believe in God the Father Almighty,

Maker of Heaven and Earth.




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