Rev. David Ryan
Do you ever wonder?
what heaven will be like?
I am sure almost all of us do.
We have all kinds of ideas too, I am sure.
What will it be like?
What we will be like?
What of those who have already died –
are they in heaven now?
Some folks think we will all get wings.
and turn into angels...
but that is not right.
We don't become angels.
Angels are angels – a special class of created beings -
We are humans – we stay humans -
even though we get what scripture calls.
“Glorified bodies”.
We don't what that means exactly -
only we won't have any ailments.
we won't have any aches and pains -
no diseases -
so, all of that is good news, right?
I’ve seen a lot of decline in my mother lately.
Mom is 83 years old now – don’t tell her I told you that.
But these days when I go to see her.
She’s complaining about aches and pains.
How some days, it seems like everything hurts.
How her joints ache
How her hearing is failing her
Now she is worried about her eyes.
She simply can’t do the things.
She used to do without thinking about them.
Now, she said – everything seems to take such effort.
And sometimes she simply does not
Feel like making that effort.
Not all the time – but more and more often these days.-
I was telling her the other day.
when we get to heaven
and get our glorified bodies –
we won; t has to worry about any of that anymore.
I don’t think we will look like we do now.
Will there be wrinkles in heaven?
I don't know.
Sometimes...it’s the wrinkles that show our age -
that show forth our accumulated beauty!
How do you like that term?
I just made it up...accumulated beauty – that only comes.
when we are well seasoned.
But I don’t think my old grandmother would want the body.
she died with for all eternity!
Somehow, we are transformed -
and yet, somehow, I believe, we also maintain our individuality -
we will know each other upon sight -
the essence of who we are remains.
We used to sing a song when I was young -
I've got a mansion – just over the hilltop -
in that bright land where – we'll never grow old -
and someday yonder – we will never more wander -
but walk the streets that are purest gold.
I don’t know if we will have a mansion or not -
but Jesus talks about a room he is preparing for us.
in his Father's house – I don't think I need my own mansion -
I'll be happy to have a room in the Father's house -
how about you?
Today's scripture gives a bit of a glimpse into heaven.
I'd rather us get our ideas.
of what heaven will be like from the scripture.
Our scripture for today comes from the book of Revelation -
I don’t know why we so often put an “s” on it.
It’s not Revelations...it’s one revelation -
so, get that mistake out of your system!
The Apostle John was exiled on the island of Patmos -
and while he was there -
he got a revelation from God -
mostly having to do with the future events -
but some also having to do with what was going on around him -
I think it’s best for us to not try.
to figure out what everything means in Revelation.
When I was a teen – we studied -
“Late Great Planet Earth” by Hal Lindsey -
and we thought we had things all figured out.
The Soviet Union had to be the beast, we thought -
and all kinds of other things.
I think it is better to look at Revelation.
as painting with broad strokes.
And giving us a more general idea
of the end of this earth and the heaven that is to come
than specifics -
But there are some specifics about heaven.
again, our scripture for the day is Rev. 5: 11-14
let’s take a closer look -
First, there will indeed be angels -
many angels
thousand upon thousand
ten thousand times ten thousand –
and even more than that -
a number that we can’t even imagine.
And what will they be doing?
It says – John saw that they would be encircling.
the throne – so there is a great throne in heaven -
and who’s throne, is it?
Not mine – not yours – not any President of the United States
not any king or queen of any empire -
that great throne belongs to the one.
who is called the great I am -
the ultimate king – the One we call God.
The creator and sustainer of all that is.
has been and ever shall be -
The one who was before all things.
and even with all that greatness -
He is the one we call Father -
the one who loves us.
it’s His throne –
So, we have all these angels around the throne -
as well as the living creatures –
they are pretty awesome beings -
they are said to have wings all around them.
and many eyes on the wings -
and one of side of their face is like a lion.
one like an eagle, one like an ox, and one like a man-
we first saw these beings in the book of Ezekiel -
but here they are in revelation.
and there are also those who are called the elders –
They are all around the throne -
and they are singing!
Worthy is the lamb -
who was slain – to receive power?
and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!
And then it says –
joining the living creatures , joining the elders, joining
the ten thousand x ten thousand of angels -
is all of creation!
Every creature in heaven
and on earth
and under the earth -
and on the seas ---
I would say that includes you and me –
for we are part of that -
and all of us join in the singing -
To Him who sits on the throne ( that is God)
and to the Lamb –
Praise and honor and glory and power -
forever and ever!
So – what's important here?
It seems to me what is important -
is the reminder.
that God is the center of all things.
He gets all the attention.
he gets all the glory -
he gets all the focus -
and we are a part of that.
Here on earth, there are so many distractions.
there are so many things.
that tempt us to have our attention someplace else.
We sometimes let worldly pleasures and our pursuit.
of them distract us
We sometimes let other people distract us.
We can let our hardships, our pain, our suffering.
distract us.
or our circumstances – whatever they may be.
from our primary purpose.
Oh – do you remember what that primary purpose is?
Our primary purpose is.
To live our lives to the glory of God!
Not ourselves
not our children or grandchildren
not to our parents
not our workplace
but to God.
If he is going to be our focus for all of eternity -
why not make Him the focus of your life now?
And I know this is often our intention.
but does it happen as much as we would like?
Probably not.
We need to keep building in the discipline.
of Bible reading, of prayer, of turning our attention upon God.
Long time ago I gave you those post it notes.
I know some of you have them yet -
that simply say – God is here.
We need those reminders.
Try even without those notes – you can say to yourself.
when you enter a room – God is here.
When you get in your car – God is here.
When you get to your workplace – God is here.
When you get into bed at night – God is here.
It will make a difference!
I'm glad there's going to be a lot of singing in heaven!
Might as well get in practice for that too.
I don't know if there will be a special ukulele group or not.
but I hope there is!
Do you ever just sing unto the Lord -
all by yourself?
I've been working on this -
So many of the hymns or songs we sing -
are what I call horizontal songs -
they are songs about God – but not songs to God.
or they are songs of witness or encouragement.
and they are good -
But I want to make sure my heart is filled with songs.
that sing out my love to God
that offer praise and thanksgiving and glory to God.
Try to work them into your daily life.
At least once every day sing a song to God!
I seriously challenge you on that.
Let's try it!
Even if you don't think of yourself as a singer -
make a joyful noise!
Keep God at the center of your life.
Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God.
and his righteousness-
and then all the rest will be added to you.
Seek him first – do what he calls you to do first...
and everything else will fall into place.
Remember how Paul said -
it did not matter whether he lived or died?
That all was Christ?
I think we can have that attitude.
when we align ourselves with this glimpse of heaven.
We can live in such a way.
that heaven won't be all that different than the life we live on earth.
except for the lack of heartache , pain and suffering -
we will be glad to be rid of them.
Keep the throne of God – more importantly – God.
in the center of your life.
Let your life revolve around him.
Praise him now -
every day – as often as you can.
It will be a great start to your eternal life!
Well folks, we have made it.
We have made it all the way through the scriptures.
If you have not missed a Sunday –
You have heard a sermon from every Book of the Bible!
God is good!
I pray that you will continue to feast on the word.
Let it dwell in you richly.
Let it change you.
Let it sustain you.
Let it challenge you.
Let it inform you.
Let it lead you.
The God who scripture reveals.
will ever be faithful.
God will never let you down.
You are loved.
You are loved.
You are loved.
Thanks be to God!